Wednesday, December 30, 2020

High School Social Media and Free Speech

I thought these two New York Times articles were about the same incident. They are similar but not identical.  The first one, “A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reconing,” was about a high school cheerleader who used the N-word on social media referring to a classmate when she was 15.  The second story, “A Cheerleader’s Vulgar Message Prompts a First Amendment Showdown,” was about a ninth grade girl who failed to make the cheerleading squad and expressed her dissatisfaction with the school in four letter words on Snapchat. 

Since both of these stories seem to involve pretty cheerleaders, they might the basis for an episode of “Mean Girls.”  Both illustrate the increasing coarseness of conversation on social media, and often in person, in the United States.  But beyond the question of what is polite and decent is the question of what is legal?  The N-word has been part of the English language for hundreds of years, as have four-letter words.  Whatever happened to the old adage that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  Before social media, these words and actions would have evaporated into thin air.  Today they are preserved forever. 

Does the fact that are not preserved in black and white mean that they are legally different from the same sentiments expressed verbally?  If Facebook has liability protection under section 230, why don’t these cheerleaders? 

In the first case, the thought-police who run the University of Tennessee thought it was more important to recruit black athletes than white cheerleaders, and thus denied admission to the cheerleader in the first story in order to help them recruit black football and basketball players. 

The family in the first case involving the University of Tennessee probably doesn’t have the millions of dollars necessary to pursue a case to the Supreme Court, or maybe they would just like to go about their lives without fighting the though-police at every turn.  They may not want to repay their accuser, Jimmy Gilligan, with the unbelievable hatred and vindictiveness he displayed in getting the girl refused admission to the University of Tennessee. 

To me, these are not hard cases for the Supreme Court, I think they should come down on the side of free speech except in the oft-cited example of crying “Fire!” in a crowded theater.  Actions that may follow disliked words are another matter, but the words should be protected. 


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Africanization of America

Joe Biden’s election marked the highwater point in the Africanization of America.  Contrary to the misleading reports by the liberal media, Biden won the election in the black inner cities of Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee, America's "Heart of Darkness."  Liberal propagandists like Chuck Todd and Nate Silver claim that Biden was elected by suburban, white women.  If that were the case, why was Trump leading in the early vote counts?  It wasn’t until the slowly counted, mail-in, black vote from the inner cities started coming in that Biden moved into the lead. 

There is no indication that this black vote was illegal.  The Democrats figured out that 90% of Negroes vote Democratic; so, turning out the black vote was the way to win the election.  Blacks vote Democratic because so many of them depend on government welfare, and the Democrats are the most generous in awarding those benefits. 

Although there is no indication that the inner-city vote was illegal, it was largely African-American, and if you look at elections in Africa, very few of them are fair.  Although he made life better for blacks living in South Africa, Nelson Mandela made South Africa more corrupt than it was under the apartheid governments.  South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria are among the most successful African states, in large part because of the relatively benign colonization by the British.  The rest of Africa is a snake pit of corruption, dishonesty, and even genocide in the Congo and Rwanda.  American blacks have had 400 years to break out of that African stereotype, but I fear that they may not have completely acculturated even after 400 years. 

Various people, like Christopher Krebs at CISA, and Brad Raffensperger the Georgia Secretary of State, have said that this election was indisputably fair and honest.  However Krebs was only in charge of cyber protection for the election; his remit did not include old fashioned corruption, like that carried out by the Mayor Daley machine in Chicago for years, paying off voters with patronage, etc.  Raffensperger may be perfectly honest, but he was in charge of carrying out a fair election; would we expect him to say he failed at his job? 

In any case, the real secret to Biden’s victory was turning out the black vote, and there is no law against that.  Trump is right that the mail-in vote, which facilitated a large black vote, worked against him in the election, but it was legal.  I don’t see a legal challenge to Biden’s election, but I see it as a landmark in America’s transition from being a predominately white country to one where minorities are in the majority, with all the implications that has for government policy. 

Biden is saying all the right things about uniting the country, and his calmness, moderation and decency are a welcome change from Trump, but they portend a different future for this country.  This trend is also taking place in Europe, although more slowly, and how that evolves may affect our relationship with Europe in the future.  America was a European country with a special bond to Europe and especially to Great Britain.  Biden says he wants to restore that relationship, but he may represent the old America, and may find it difficult to get the new America to go along with him. 


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Biden’s Racist Election

Biden won in a racist election.  This is not to say that the election was illegal, but he won by appealing to racism.  He owes his nomination to a black man, Congressman James Cliburn of South Carolina. He chose a black Asian woman as his vice president.  He won the election the election by winning huge votes in large cities that are predominately black: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee.  Blacks to do not split their vote.  They vote on one issue: race.  They vote as if they still lived on a plantation.  They vote against “the [white] man” and for free government money, in the form of welfare, reparations, affirmative action, or whatever form it might take.  Biden won by appealing to base instincts, just not the same ones Trump appealed to. 

The media makes the election sound like it was perfect. In fact, ballot boxes were not stuffed; the Russians and Chinese did not hack voting machines or sway the electorate through Facebook or Twitter.  But it was nasty and not just on Trump’s side.  The Democrats were surprised the election was so close because they have such a racist outlook.  They assumed that anyone with dark skin would vote for them.  They did not understand the Hispanics and Asians do not vote on the basis of race hatred like blacks do.  Hispanics and Asians who have been successful and acculturated to American life tend to vote on economic and other issues like whites do.  The coastal elites who control the Democratic Party have absorbed the black prejudices because the blacks have long been influential in the Democratic Party, the Hispanics and Asians are relatively new and the Democratic strategy did not account for them correctly.  The black-based strategy worked, but not that well.  The fact that the polls and the liberal media were so far off base illustrated the degree of cooperation between them and the coastal elites, since they shared the same misunderstanding.  Chuck Todd, Wolf Blitzer and company are still prisoners of Hillary-Yale-Harvard think, which believes dark skinned people are inferior and need help, although they would never say so out loud. 


Monday, November 9, 2020

Biden Election


Joe Biden is saying all the right things since the election.  Unlike Trump, he has tried to soothe the national psyche by calling for calm and patience.  His decency is a welcome change from Trump’s vulgarity.  I believe he did win the election and should be inaugurated as the next President of the US. 

That said, however, this was not a good election.  The polls all predicted a “blue wave” and an easy election for Biden.  That did not happen.  Boden barely squeaked by.  The way the media hyped the incorrect polls indicates there was something rotten behind the media support for Biden.  The cities which put him over the top were all cities with large black populations known for political corruption.  There may not have been any, but the appearance is bad.  Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee were the key cities where the black vote put him over the top. 

The black votes in these black cities were clearly racist.  While whites and Asians vote on a number of issues – economics, education, taxes, social issues, etc. – blacks vote on only one issue – race.  As a result, the black vote is monolithic.  Something like 90% off all blacks vote Democratic.  They don’t care if the schools are good, only if they are integrated.  They don’t care about the economy as long as they get their welfare. 

I’m not sure anything illegal happened to sway the election but it looks bad.  The black vote in the black cities was the last to come in.  Courts in those states ruled that voting on election day was too complicated and that blacks couldn’t manage it; they needed extra time to vote.  So, they counted ballots that arrived long after election day, although in theory they were turned in by election day.  In fact, because of all the special provisions, who knows exactly what happened?  The courts made it easier to commit voter fraud, whether fraud was actually committed is another question. 

The 2000 election showed that all this moralizing about every vote should count is ridiculous.  Most votes are counted, and some votes may be counted several times, but the election gives a general indication of what the voters want, and as long as the election is not too close, the voters get what they actually voted for.  If the vote is really close in places where there are more than a few thousand votes, it would be just a fair and accurate to flip a coin to choose the winner.  George W. Bush was not elected by the American people, he was chosen by the Supreme Court.  Al Gore did the right thing and conceded because he was an American patriot who ended the election nightmare, not because he was actually defeated at the polls.  Who knew that Gore was ceding to a man who would fail to protect America from foreign invasion and start a war that has lasted 20 years with not discernable benefit to the US. 

Hopefully, Joe Biden will be a better President than George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump were. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Blog – Biden and the Proud Boys

I am as tired of hearing about Charlottesville and white supremacy as I am of hearing about the Holocaust. 

I had never heard of the Proud Boys until Biden brought them up in his debate with Trump.  When I looked them up on the Internet, almost all of the derogatory information came from the Anti-Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center, neither of which is a trustworthy source.  The ADL is basically the Jewish Ku Klux Klan, spreading hatred of various groups who do not fit the Jewish view of the world.  The ADL is a gentile-vilification society, and Jonathan Greenblatt is essentially the Jewish David Duke.  The Southern Poverty Law Center performs very much the same function for blacks, using the media to attack anyone who does not accept the blacks’ view of the world. 

Wikipedia says (at least at this moment) that the Proud Boys’ focus is on the preservation of Western values.  Granted that drinking, marching and sometimes fighting is not a very intellectual way to focus on Western values, but at least that claim undermines the media obsession with their racism.  Intellectually, “cancel culture” is a live issue, illustrated by the Harper’s Magazine letter.  The Democratic Party, led by Joe Biden, stands against Western culture and intellectual freedom.  The Party stands for intellectual freedom as long as it means believing the same things as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and the obviously Proud Boys do not.  Schumer and Pelosi are themselves close-minded bigots, who appeal to the Democrats’ KKK, the ADL and the SPLC, to shut their critics down. 

The Jews in the media are working full time before the election to vilify white people.  Joe Biden is a white man, but he is hostage to the Jews, blacks and Hispanics who run the Democratic Party.  Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, Wolf Blitzer, Kate Bolduan, Katie Couric, Jeffrey Goldberg, Gloria Borger and their Jewish colleagues spend hours talking about how terrible white supremacy is.  Of course non-Jewish reporters do, too, but they take their lead from the Jewish media, since a large part of the media is owned and controlled by Jews, who are using “white supremacy” as a tool to attack the entire white race. 

If Biden can’t stand up to Donald Trump in a debate, he can’t stand up to the Jews, blacks and Hispanics who control the Democratic Party.  Despite his claim in his debate with Trump, the Party does not belong to him.  He is as beholden to the Jews and blacks of the Party on the “white supremacy” issue as he is to the Progressives on the Green New Deal and government-paid health care for all. 


Monday, September 28, 2020

NYT on the South

 A recent Sunday New York Times went on a crusade against “white supremacy,” but white supremacy or white nationalism is an exaggerated concept by blacks, liberals and progressives who hate regular old white people.  Beside blacks, it is white elitists like Hillary Clinton and her “basket of deplorables” comment.  The bulk of the Democratic Party is prejudiced against non-elitist whites.  Although it may not be racist, since many of the elitists are white, it is hatred of a certain group or type of person, based on geography, social status, personal interests, etc. 

Ironically, the NYT obituary of Julia Reed brought out good aspects of the South.  Meanwhile the book review section contained bitter criticisms of the South.  Jon Meacham figured in both coverages.  He had nice things to say about Julia Reed’s Southern charm, and bad things to say about the South’s Lost Cause, which he characterized as a fight for white supremacy.  Meacham has made is progressive leaning apparent during his many appearances on Morning Joe.  Although a native of Tennessee, he is no friend of the old South, like Joe Scarborough, a Floridian and Alabama graduate, who long ago abandoned his Southern roots to please the Eastern elites. 

Besides Meacham, there is a review of a book by Edward Ball, called Life of Klansman, in which Ball is happy to vilify his great-great-grandfather for being a member of the KKK.  Another review, “The Hate You Give,” covers a book about three weird women, including a tattooed bodybuilding porn star, who support white supremacy, Sisters in Hate.  The implication of these articles is that the NYT believes most Southern whites are neo-Nazi, genocidal murders, except for Julia Reed, who is now dead.  Interestingly, Ms. Reed died in Newport, Rhode Island, among the rich Eastern elites.

A Plague on Both Your Houses - Biden and Trump

Neither of the presidential candidates is appealing to me.  Trump is boorish, uncouth, impolite, mean and stupid.  He has been a policy disaster on virtually every issue from foreign affairs to health policy.  He has been good for business, but only by creating a mountain of debt for future generations to pay off.  He has created an enormous welfare program for the rich.  He did not make America great again; he made it worse.  In particular he failed miserably to get control of the immigration influx which was his main campaign pledge.  As a result, the US has become the United States of Latin America. 

Biden appears weak, but mainly he is a Democrat, a hostage to the Democratic Party’s ideology.  My main objection to the Democratic Party is that it hates Southern white men like me.  The Democratic Party is racist, and the race it hates is mine.  Hillary Clinton summed up the Democratic Party’s position when she called many of Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” views.  When Hillary was first lady of Arkansas, she clearly despised the people of Arkansas because they were not East Coast liberal intellectuals.  Now, in addition to the Hillary wing, the Democratic Party has the Bernie Sanders wing of young progressives who wish to give the most generous welfare benefits to every minority, paid for by what is left of the old white majority.  Biden has been a relative moderate on these issues, but he is captive to the leadership of the Party.  He doesn’t have the personal character or the political power to stand up to them. 

Two of the most appealing political figures to me at the moment are Chris Christie and Michael Bloomberg.  Bloomberg has lost my support by coming out whole-heartedly for the Democratic Party, thus putting him in the same category as Biden.  He is less weak than Biden, and I think he would be a good chief executive.  His current support for the Democrats is due mainly to his desire to get Trump out of the White House, but he is still too wedded to the Democratic Party. 

At first I was disappointed that Trump did not make Christie part of his administration.  Now, it is a big plus for Christie that he has not been part of the dumpster fire that is the Trump presidency.  I don’t really know where Christie stands politically, but after Trump I don’t care that much as long as he has not gone crazy on social issues, like race, sex, etc.  I think he is a reasonable man.  I would expect him to be left of me on hot social issues, but not as far left as Biden. 

At the moment, the choice between Biden and Trump seems to me like a choice between Stalin and Trotsky or between Hitler and Rosa Luxemburg.  I choose none of the above.  The political parties have failed America.  They did so four years ago in nominating Trump and Hillary.  Now, they are doing it again.  Thus, I am leaning toward writing in Chris Christie as my vote for President. 


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Black Lives Matter Embraces Criminality

Almost all of the people killed by police and embraced by Black Lives Matter have been criminals.  They did not deserve to be killed by police without a trial, but they were the dregs of society.  Most were convicted or accused criminals, high on drugs, who had beaten their wives and abused their children.  They resisted arrest when the police tried to arrest them, which causes the police to react physically whether the person resisting is white or black.  Many of them had significant mental problems. 

Black Lives Matter needs to find some exemplary black people to embrace, rather than painting criminals like George Floyd on buildings.  George Floyd did not deserved to be killed, but he should not be held up as a model for black children.  He was an awful man.  Blacks need better role models, starting with Barak Obama, and people like Colin Powell, George Washington Carver, Thurgood Marshall, Booker T. Washington, or Oprah Winfrey. None of the current heroes of the Black Lives Matter movement are in the league of those people. 

In general, Black Lives Matter reviles their ancestors rather than honoring them.  The New York Times today has an article about an Omaha diner being closed down because it called its biscuit and gravy breakfast “the Robert e. Lee.”  This ignores that fact that if he had them, Robert E. Lee’s biscuits and gravy were prepared by a black cook, cooking food that black people liked.  Southern cooking is largely black cooking, and it has a significant African influence in its ingredients and preparation.  So, should blacks be upset that Robert E. Lee liked food cooked by blacks? Slaves built the White House and Capitol; is that reason to tear them down or another reason to respect them.  They are still standing; why do blacks disparage their slave ancestors who built them. 

A Plague on Both Your Houses

Neither of the presidential candidates is appealing to me.  Trump is boorish, uncouth, impolite, mean and stupid.  He has been a policy disaster on virtually every issue from foreign affairs to health policy.  He has been good for business, but only by creating a mountain of debt for future generations to pay off.  He has created an enormous welfare program for the rich.  He did not make America great again; he made it worse.  In particular he failed miserably to get control of the immigration influx which was his main campaign pledge.  As a result, the US has become the United States of Latin America. 

Biden appears weak, but mainly he is a Democrat, a hostage to the Democratic Party’s ideology.  My main objection to the Democratic Party is that it hates Southern white men like me.  The Democratic Party is racist, and the race it hates is mine.  Hillary Clinton summed up the Democratic Party’s position when she called many of Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” views.  When Hillary was first lady of Arkansas, she clearly despised the people of Arkansas because they were not East Coast liberal intellectuals.  Now, in addition to the Hillary wing, the Democratic Party has the Bernie Sanders wing of young progressives who wish to give the most generous welfare benefits to every minority, paid for by what is left of the old white majority.  Biden has been a relative moderate on these issues, but he is captive to the leadership of the Party.  He doesn’t have the personal character or the political power to stand up to them. 

Two of the most appealing political figures to me at the moment are Chris Christie and Michael Bloomberg.  Bloomberg has lost my support by coming out whole-heartedly for the Democratic Party, thus putting him in the same category as Biden.  He is less weak than Biden, and I think he would be a good chief executive.  His current support for the Democrats is due mainly to his desire to get Trump out of the White House, but he is still too wedded to the Democratic Party. 

At first I was disappointed that Trump did not make Christie part of his administration.  Now, it is a big plus for Christie that he has not been part of the dumpster fire that is the Trump presidency.  I don’t really know where Christie stands politically, but after Trump I don’t care that much as long as he has not gone crazy on social issues, like race, sex, etc.  I think he is a reasonable man.  I would expect him to be left of me on hot social issues, but not as far left as Biden. 

At the moment, the choice between Biden and Trump seems to me like a choice between Stalin and Trotsky or between Hitler and Rosa Luxemburg.  I choose none of the above.  The political parties have failed America.  They did so four years ago in nominating Trump and Hillary.  Now, they are doing it again.  Thus, I am leaning toward writing in Chris Christie as my vote for President.