Saturday, August 6, 2016

Election Process

One reason we have such poor candidates for President is that the election process is so terrible.  The Republican debates and primaries for both 2012 and 2016 tended to destroy the chances for the best candidates.  In 2012, Mitt Romney was not a terrible candidate, but he had to debate with a bunch of idiots with crazy ideas, several of whom led him in the debates and polls.  By the time he emerged as the leader, any chance he had of being elected had been significantly reduced.  By appearing with uninformed, extremist hacks like Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorium, Romney trivialized himself.  

More or less the same thing happened in the 2016 Republican debates, but it was worse because they had more worthless hacks onstage, and there was no front runner like Romney.  It was not even clear that Donald Trump was a Republican.  It turned out that Trump spoke to a slice of Republicans that none of the other candidates did.  He was color in a Republican world of gray.  He was a clear voice amidst a group of mumblers.  But his speeches turn out to be well described by Shakespeare as “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”  

Meanwhile on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton, the embodiment of all the political evil in the Washington establishment, expected a coronation, but got a fight from Bernie Sanders.  The comparison between the honest, forthright Sanders and the devious, lying Hillary was striking.  She is like the basest whore; there is nothing she won’t do for money or power.  (See “House of Cards.”)  She might even be seen as a latter-day representative of the whore of Babylon described in the Book of Revelation, but that might be giving her a little more importance than she deserves.  

While the American electoral system has been dragging the country through the mud, Britain named a new prime minister, Theresa May, in only a few days, and she has hit the ground running, dealing with the huge mess that Brexit dumped on her.  Part of the difference is the British parliamentary system, but part of it is the long, corrupt, expensive process that our political parties have created for their own benefit, aided by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.  

Because of this terrible process, good people will not run for office.  Almost everyone has done something that they later wish they had not done, even if they have lived otherwise exemplary lives.  If they run, the media will find that one bad thing and trumpet it from the rooftops (and cable and the Internet).  Trump and Hillary seem to have unusual characters that are immune to such slander and obloquy.  I don’t think we get what we deserve, we get what the political establishment has forced on us.  Hillary is the product of that establishment, and Trump is the result of the public’s pained cry against what the system has forced on it.  There are better men and women in America who would be better candidates, but the system is not designed to find them.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Battle of the Grieving Parents

Donald Trump has completely blown his interaction with the Kahn family, which criticized him at the DNC.  Since Mrs. Kahn did not say anything, it was pretty clear that she was there only to show the headscarf and silenly imply that the Democratic Party supports Muslim women.  When asked why she did not speak, she said that seeing images of her dead son was so distrubing that she could not speak.  If that is the case, Hillary’s DNC forced her to deal with the death of her son, in a way which iwas hard for her.  It was a cruel thing for the DNC to do, but it worked on Donald.  He took the bait, hook, line and sinker.  This was a cynical use of a mourning Muslim worman, but Hillary gets no criticism for it, because Trump, by attacking the gold star family has made the whole issue about him, not about Hillary.  

It may be that the Kahns were the DNC’s response to the RNC’s use of Patricia Smith, the grieving mother of one of the Benghazi victims, as the Washington Examiner noted.  If that is the case, the DNC got much more mileage out of its grieving parents than the RNC did.  Interestingly, Patricia Smith said that Hillary Clinton lied to her when they met.  Normally I would be inclined to believe that the Secretary of State would be more believable than a grieving mother who may not have been completely focused during their conversation.  But we know that Hillary lied to Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday about what James Comey, the head of the FBI, said publicly about her use of the private email server that she should not have used as Secretary.   If she would lie on TV about something that is on the public record, she might certainly have lied about a private conversation, but that question has never come up, certainly not to the extent that Trump’s remarks about the Kahns have been covered by the media.