Sunday, January 29, 2006

Robert E. Lee Forms Dislike of Politicians

In discussing lessons learned from Robert E. Lee's experience in the Mexican War, his biographer, Douglas Southall Freeman said in R. E. Lee:
... [H]e had the most monitory of object lessons in the "political generals" whom Scott had to endure. Perhaps Scott's difficulties with Pillow gave Lee the clue to the handling of Wise and Floyd in the campaign of 1861 in West Virginia, but his observation of Pillow's performances doubtless explains why Lee was so careful to keep politicians from holding important command in the Army of Northern Virginia. It is quite possible, indeed, that Pillow was in large measure responsible for the distrust of politicians that Lee exhibited later. From what he had seen of Pillow in Mexico and of Congress in Washington, he formed a poor opinion of the whole breed of politicians. (p.298)
Just imagine how disappointed Lee would be in politicians if he lived today!

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