Monday, December 20, 2004

December 24, 1860, Augusta, Georgia

Friend Williams,

I hope you will pardon me for not writing you before now. I often think of you, but it is very hard for me to write a letter in the first place. I never know what to say and in the 2nd place my mind has been so much taken up on my teaching that it unfits me for anything else. Our Society gives their first concert New Years night in Concert Hall for the benefit of the poor children of the City. We shall have a large crowd to hear us. I will send you a program next week. We have got so as to sing very well indeed. I am sorry that you are not among our tenors. I rec'd a letter from Mr. Snow asking me to come to Mobile to teach. I have just wrote him and I wish you would call on him and tell him all you can about my teaching.

I send you a letter of introduction in this. Why did you not tell me the other day that you was married. It was a pretty good joke you played on us. You have my best wishes for a long and happy life together.

Please write me when you get time.

Most Resp't yours,

C. S. Mallette(?)

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